From Chaos to Calm: A Cultivating Emotional Balance Retreat with Corey Jackson


Every Day

From Chaos to Calm: A Cultivating Emotional Balance Retreat with Corey Jackson Image
Location Map

The Wellbeing Centre @ Chenrezig Institute   6:30pm -8:00pm
General Interest, Social, Special Interest

33 Johnsons Road
Eudlo , Queensland, 4554

Phone:07 5453 2108

Do you ever feel off balance, as if your emotions are controlling your life? Replaying conversations and wishing you’d acted differently? Have you ever tried bottling them up only to find they resurface at another time?

Everyone experiences overwhelming emotional reactions from time to time. Mostly we catch ourselves in time, but sometimes not. These reactions can lead to what emotions expert Dr. Paul Ekman calls regrettable emotional episodes.  Even just a few of them can have a long-term and devastating impact on key areas of our mental health if we don’t learn how to overcome them. 

With a little effort, we can take control of our own wellbeing.  By cultivating a few simple skills we can improve our relationships and resiliency which are at the core of our mental and emotional health.

Starting with the core mindfulness practices, this five-day retreat will move organically through the insight, empathy and compassion practices that bring about emotional balance and mental health. With a light sprinkling of theory and discussion, participants will return to their lives able to choose which practices are best for their own changing circumstances. This is a powerful opportunity to reboot our emotional lives by stepping outside our normal routine and focusing undistractedly on developing high levels of mental health and wellbeing. 

Apart from the formal study programmes, Chenrezig Institute is a peaceful, calm and relaxing place to spend a few hours, days or weeks. Stroll along the bush paths, wander in formal garden, espresso in the cafe or a vegetarian meal.

Teachers’ availability subject to change; please see for updated information.


Friday 20th July 6:30 pm to Tuesday 24th July at 4:30 pm, held in the Wellbeing Centre BELOW THE FAR CARPARK at Chenrezig Institute & 9-4.30pm during day

Facility fee $200 

Accommodation and meals available separately.