AGL Action Rescue Helicopter Annual Golf Day


AGL Action Rescue Helicopter Annual Golf Day Image
Location Map

   7:00am -4:30am
Business, Social, Sport

Pergian Springs Golf Club
95 Peregian Springs Drive
Peregian Springs, Queensland, 4573

Phone:07 5458 8700
Fax:07 5448 7660

The AGL Action Rescue Helicopter Annual Golf Day is a unique eighteen hole Ambrose competition. The course is located in a stunning subtropical setting and is designed to reward great shot making. Players will have the opportunity to mingle with staff and supporters of the Rescue Helicopter, plus play against our rescue crew team. There will be plenty of laughter, scrumptious food and a fusion of cold beers and wines. This is an event not to be missed with action and surprises at every turn. Be sure to book your team today via our website ( or through our office (07 5458 8700), to secure your spot!

Date: Friday 14th June 2013
Time: 7:00am until 4:30pm
Location: Peregian Springs Golf Club, 95 Peregian Springs Golf Club, Peregian Springs Q 4573
Cost: $660 for a team of 4 players