Bloomhill Motivational Morning Tea: Integrating Spirit into Health & Healing


Bloomhill Motivational Morning Tea: Integrating Spirit into Health & Healing Image
Location Map

Kunara Organic Marketplace   10:00am -11:30am

330 Mons Road
Forest Glen, Queensland, 4556

Phone:07 5445 6440

Cost: $5

Featuring Speaker: Dr. Monika Wilson

A diagnosis of cancer may prompt a 'fall into spirituality', as David Tacey explains it: a painful interruption of our understanding of life and self. This may bring with it the experience of feeling lost, empty, without an anchor, searching for answers to many questions.

Read more here

To book, please contact Bloomhill directly on 5445 5794. ?RSVP 31st March.?

Please note, that while Kunara supports Bloomhill, we are not in any way responsible for the content of materials or events.

